Defend Ukraine Together

Aerobavovna integrates new solutions to develop next-generation aerostat systems.
Get in touchOur opportunities
Aerobavovna invites Drone Schools to collaborate. Together, we aim to train and enhance the skills of operators managing tethered aerostat systems.



Enhance the competence of end-users of aerostat systems.


Increase awareness among military units and stakeholders about the capabilities of aerostat systems.

Presentation of application possibilities

Demonstrate effective applications of aerostat systems for expanding communication, signal relay, creating mobile observation points, and more.

Manufacturers of equipment and components can apply or test their own equipment with aerostat systems at heights of up to 1000 meters for extended periods. With a wide range of applications, aerostat systems can carry any payload and be used in diverse weather conditions.


Integrating existing solutions

Інтегрування власних рішень з аеростатними платформами для покращення функціональності та мобільності розробок.


Develop and test new technologies on elevated aerostat systems.

Complex support and cooperation

Provide training, technical support, and joint demonstrations.

Collaboration with Ukrainian Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies involves developing aerostat systems tailored to specific tasks to improve surveillance, communication, and rapid response in challenging conditions.


Reliable provision
of your needs

Ensure the development, production, and supply of high-quality aerostat systems.

Effective training
and ongoing support

Train military units on the use of aerostat systems and provide ongoing technical support for seamless equipment operation.

flexibility of solutions

Integrate with other solutions or technologies.

Можливості співпраці

Verification of solutions under real conditions

Organize demonstrations and testing of aerostat systems in real-world conditions.

Ефективне навчання
та постійна підтримка

Навчання військових підрозділів використанню аеростатних систем, а також постійна технічна підтримка для забезпечення безперебійної експлуатації обладнання.

гнучкість рішень

Інтеграція з іншими рішеннями чи технологіями.

Drone Schools

Aerobavovna invites Drone Schools to collaborate. Together, we aim to train and enhance the skills of operators managing tethered aerostat systems.



Enhance the competence of end-users of aerostat systems.


Increase awareness among military units and stakeholders about the capabilities of aerostat systems.

Presentation of application possibilities

Demonstrate effective applications of aerostat systems for expanding communication, signal relay, creating mobile observation points, and more.

Military Equipment
and Electronics Manufacturers

Manufacturers of equipment and components can apply or test their own equipment with aerostat systems at heights of up to 1000 meters for extended periods. With a wide range of applications, aerostat systems can carry any payload and be used in diverse weather conditions.


Integrating existing solutions

Integrate your solutions with aerostat platforms to enhance functionality and mobility.


Develop and test new technologies on elevated aerostat systems.

Complex support
and cooperation

Provide training, technical support, and joint demonstrations.

Ukrainian Armed Forces, National Guard, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Other Security and Intelligence Agencies

Collaboration with Ukrainian Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies involves developing aerostat systems tailored to specific tasks to improve surveillance, communication, and rapid response in challenging conditions.


Reliable provision
of your needs

Ensure the development, production, and supply of high-quality aerostat systems.

Effective training
and ongoing support

Train military units on the use of aerostat systems and provide ongoing technical support for seamless equipment operation.

flexibility of solutions

Integrate with other solutions or technologies.

Можливості співпраці

Verification of solutions under real conditions

Organize demonstrations and testing of aerostat systems in real-world conditions.

Ефективне навчання
та постійна підтримка

Навчання військових підрозділів використанню аеростатних систем, а також постійна технічна підтримка для забезпечення безперебійної експлуатації обладнання.

гнучкість рішень

Інтеграція з іншими рішеннями чи технологіями.

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