What Are Modern Aerostats and Their Applications

What Are Modern Aerostats and Their Applications

Modern tethered aerostats are versatile and cost-effective solutions for military and civilian systems with various applications.

Capabilities Overview
and Use Cases

In the U.S., aerostat-based surveillance systems with a 75-cubic-meter capacity were deployed for operations in Afghanistan. These systems lifted gyro-stabilized E/O-IR cameras and targeting systems capable of detecting objects over 20 km away. The complete system costs approximately $50,000.

Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Aerostats are used for continuous territory monitoring, providing high-quality imagery within a 10 km radius and real-time intelligence data.
Photo: SkySentry

Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Aerostats are used for continuous territory monitoring, providing high-quality imagery within a 10 km radius and real-time intelligence data.
In the U.S., aerostat-based surveillance systems with a 75-cubic-meter capacity were deployed for operations in Afghanistan. These systems lifted gyro-stabilized E/O-IR cameras and targeting systems capable of detecting objects over 20 km away. The complete system costs approximately $50,000.
Photo: SkySentry

Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Aerostats are used for continuous territory monitoring, providing high-quality imagery within a 10 km radius and real-time intelligence data.
In the U.S., aerostat-based surveillance systems with a 75-cubic-meter capacity were deployed for operations in Afghanistan. These systems lifted gyro-stabilized E/O-IR cameras and targeting systems capable of detecting objects over 20 km away. The complete system costs approximately $50,000.
Photo: SkySentry

Communication and Relay

Aerostats can significantly extend communication range (up to 100 km) in the presence of electronic warfare (EW) due to their altitude (up to 1 km), which is crucial during combat or rescue operations.
The TARS radar system was used by the U.S. in Middle Eastern conflicts and for scanning North American territories. A Chinese balloon shot down over the U.S. also carried surveillance and communication equipment. Aerostats are more cost-effective to deploy than satellites.
Photo: Aerobavovna

Communication and Relay

Aerostats can significantly extend communication range (up to 100 km) in the presence of electronic warfare (EW) due to their altitude (up to 1 km), which is crucial during combat or rescue operations.
The TARS radar system was used by the U.S. in Middle Eastern conflicts and for scanning North American territories. A Chinese balloon shot down over the U.S. also carried surveillance and communication equipment. Aerostats are more cost-effective to deploy than satellites.
Photo: Aerobavovna
Since 2021, Israel has been testing its aerostat system, the High Availability Aerostat System (HAAS), designed to detect enemy missiles at long distances. This aerostat resembles a giant airship.

Electronic Warfare

Aerostats can be equipped with EW or SIGINT systems, making them valuable tools in modern military arsenals. They can operate without control signals or GPS receivers, allowing them to function effectively under intense EW and GPS spoofing conditions.
Photo: Aerobavovna

Electronic Warfare

Aerostats can be equipped with EW or SIGINT systems, making them valuable tools in modern military arsenals. They can operate without control signals or GPS receivers, allowing them to function effectively under intense EW and GPS spoofing conditions.
Since 2021, Israel has been testing its aerostat system, the High Availability Aerostat System (HAAS), designed to detect enemy missiles at long distances. This aerostat resembles a giant airship.
Photo: Aerobavovna

Electronic Warfare

Aerostats can be equipped with EW or SIGINT systems, making them valuable tools in modern military arsenals. They can operate without control signals or GPS receivers, allowing them to function effectively under intense EW and GPS spoofing conditions.
Since 2021, Israel has been testing its aerostat system, the High Availability Aerostat System (HAAS), designed to detect enemy missiles at long distances. This aerostat resembles a giant airship.
Photo: Aerobavovna


Aerostats can deploy communication networks in remote or disaster-affected areas.
Telecommunications aerostats are ideal for rural and remote areas lacking reliable infrastructure. These aerostats are also developed for organizations needing rapid, scalable, and cost-effective communication networks in challenging geographic zones.
Photo: Loon


Aerostats can deploy communication networks in remote or disaster-affected areas.
Telecommunications aerostats are ideal for rural and remote areas lacking reliable infrastructure. These aerostats are also developed for organizations needing rapid, scalable, and cost-effective communication networks in challenging geographic zones.
Photo: Loon
Aerostat systems can collect and provide real-time local climate data, report fire detections, and record environmental violations and illegal activities.

Environmental Monitoring

With their long flight endurance, aerostats are used to monitor environmental indicators and study climate change.
Photo: Washington State Department of Ecology

Environmental Monitoring

With their long flight endurance, aerostats are used to monitor environmental indicators and study climate change.
Aerostat systems can collect and provide real-time local climate data, report fire detections, and record environmental violations and illegal activities.
Photo: Washington State Department of Ecology

Environmental Monitoring

With their long flight endurance, aerostats are used to monitor environmental indicators and study climate change.
Aerostat systems can collect and provide real-time local climate data, report fire detections, and record environmental violations and illegal activities.
Photo: Washington State Department of Ecology

Security and Safety

Aerostats can be deployed for surveillance at large public events or around strategically important sites.
Aerostats can be used to monitor large mass events or strategically important objects.
Photo: Skydocballoon

Security and Safety

Aerostats can be deployed for surveillance at large public events or around strategically important sites.
Aerostats can be used to monitor large mass events or strategically important objects.
Photo: Skydocballoon

Advantages of Aerostats

High-Tech Materials

To achieve reliability and durability, aerostat envelopes are made from low-density polyethylene films or polyethylene terephthalate films of various colors with a thickness of 40-80 microns, with additives for UV protection and static electricity prevention. These materials can be used in temperatures ranging from -70°C to +60°C.

Aerostats are made from strong and lightweight thermoplastic materials, ensuring resistance to extreme weather conditions and long-term use.

Extended Autonomy

Aerostats, with their long endurance, can replace UAVs that typically fly for only 2-4 hours. The main limitation is wind speed.

With sufficient payload autonomy, aerostats can remain airborne continuously for several weeks, making them ideal for long-duration missions.


Compared to other UAVs and aircraft, aerostats have the advantage of universal basing and do not require airfield infrastructure. A mobile aerostat system can be deployed by a team of just two people.

Aerostats can be quickly deployed and transported, making them ideal for various situations, including combat zones, disaster areas, and emergency situations.


The average flight cost per hour for various aircraft types:
Aerostat system: $50-100
Helicopter: $400-1000
UAV: $1000-5000
Airplane: $2000-10000

Using aerostats is much cheaper than other aircraft, such as planes or drones.

Wide Range of Applications

Aerostat systems can be used for, but are not limited to, intelligence, communication, and control, observation, radio interception, submarine search, and detection of surface vessels, coastal and border patrols, and support for search, rescue, and combat operations.

With the ability to carry various equipment weighing from a few to several dozen kilograms, aerostats can perform a wide range of tasks, from communication to reconnaissance.

Some of the most important factors driving interest in modern aerostats and their development include the ability to:

01 - Connections

Connect isolated regions to the rest of the world while having a smaller environmental impact

02 - Freight

Transport heavy loads, eliminating intermediate transfer points along the route

03 - Transportation

Conduct passenger transportation to remote locations without adequate service by other modes of transport

04 - Availability

Provide disaster relief, especially in areas inaccessible by other means

05 - Universality

Create autonomous platforms for military, environmental, and rescue surveillance

06 - Communication

Use aerostat systems as regional communication hubs
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